►►►Northern Illinois Area 20 Special Needs Page


A Note from your Special Needs Chair:

Special Needs Chair & Committees of the districts decide which colors they want their district to paint as far as being a part of the special needs committee.

You don’t have to choose just one.

Questions and Concerns:

Jeanne F., Special Needs Chair for NIA



Michelle B., Special Needs Alternate Chair



Color Me Special Needs

Gold---Helping our members that are or have been a part of the Armed Forces.
Red---Stopping & taking someone to a meeting who needs help.
Yellow---Taking meetings to senor retirement homes and like facilities. These are the “sunshine” volunteers.
Blue---Putting Big Books in the libraries of senior communities.
Indigo---Hearing & seeing special needs of AA members (example. some one in the hospital) & tell the SN committee.
Orange---Caution-helping the disabled or injured member before, during and after an AA meeting.
Green--- Going to the homebound or hospital with an AA meeting.
Purple---Collecting Grapevines to distribute everywhere we go in senior communities.
Brown---Helping those that are sight-impaired, hearing-impaired, physically & mentally- impaired & language impaired.
Gray---Communicating to help those who are geographically hindered. (Loners and the Homeless)
Black/White---sending a note or card to an AA member that is homebound or in the hospital. (You can also call or visit)


Site Developed & Maintained By Northern Illinois Area 20                          Last Updated 05/13/2014