Information For Professionals
If you are a professional, A.A. members are available to cooperate with
Health Care Professionals
Correctional Facilities Professionals
Treatment Facilities Professionals
Media and News Professionals
Employee Assistance Professionals
Alcoholics Anonymous has many A.A. members and service
committees who are available to provide professionals with information
about Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. has a long history of cooperating but
not affiliating with outside organizations and being available to
provide A.A. meetings or information about A.A. upon request.
For professionals working with people who have special needs we have
A.A. material and literature in Braille, videos in American Sign
Language, easy-to-read pamphlets, and much more.
If you would wish any further information about Alcoholics Anonymous,
please e-mail our
We look forward to hearing from you and would be delighted to receive
your message.
A presentation aimed towards professionals can be
found here.
Also AA publishes a newsletter aimed towards
professionals that can be
found here.