CPC Committee Member Section It is an absolute pleasure to be serving you as a part of the CPC (Cooperation with the Professional Community) Committee of Area20. We look forward to watching CPC works continue to thrive and grow in all of Northern Illinois Area 20. We know that can’t happen without your districts, groups, GSRs and anyone willing to serve in this way. We are here to support your work, provide ideas for future projects and, most importantly, work together with the professionals in each of our communities to bring the still suffering alcoholic to the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. We hope to educate as many professionals with and through you as possible as guided by our 5th Tradition of Primary Purpose. We devised a plan. Not to worry, we hope it well help you as well make our work more possible and far reaching. The map below depicts the outline of our area with a thick line separating the east sector from the west. We are available to take your call and emails whenever you need, though for coverage purposes, we have split the geography as follows: Feel free to email our CPC Chairperson at cpc@nia-aa.org. Servants in Area 20 - We heard your voice! We are
ready to educate and support our Districts, fellow Area Committees, GSRs
and Groups. Please allow us to engage with you and together we can make
great things happen. |