Agendas, Cover Letters, Minutes, Motions and Reports

NIA Agendas, Cover Letters, Motions and Reports

Pre-2021 Reports and Minutes are at this archive link.

2024 NIA20 Calendar (revised 03-10-24)

2024 Spring Committee August 8th at Lord of Life

2024 Summer Committee Preliminary Agenda (EN)
2024 Summer Committee Preliminary Agenda (ES)

2024 Summer Committee Alt. Delegate Report (EN & ES)

2024 Summer Assembly on June 22

2024 Spring Assembly Minutes (EN)
2024 Spring Assembly Minutes (ES)
2024 Summer Assembly Treasurer’s Report (EN)
2024 Summer Assembly Treasurer’s Report (ES)

2024 Summer Assembly Accessibilities Report (EN)

2024 Summer Assembly Accessibilities Report (ES)

2024 Spring Committee May 18th at Lord of Life

2024 Spring Committee Agenda, Chair Report, Motion (EN)
2024 Spring Committee Agenda, Chair Report, Motion (ES)
2024 Spring Committee Meeting Secretary Report (EN+ES)
2024 Spring Committee Delegate Report (EN)
2024 Spring Committee Delegate Report (ES)
2024 Spring Committee Alternate Delegate Report

2024 Spring Assembly on March 2. 2024 (at Spring Conference)

2024 Sprng Assembly Chair Report (EN)
2024 Sprng Assembly Chair Report (ES)
2024 Spring Assembly Final Agenda and Motions (EN)
2024 Spring Assembly Final Agenda and Motions (ES)
2024 Spring Assembly Secretary’s Report
2024 Winter Committee Minutes (EN)
2024 Winter Committee Minutes (ES)
2023 Winter Assembly Minutes (EN)
2023 Winter Assembly Minutes (ES)
2024 Spring Assembly 2023 End of Year Treasurer’s Summary (EN)
2024 Spring Assembly 2023 End of Year Treasurer’s Summary (ES)
2023 GSO 4th Quarterly Report (EN)
2023 GSO 4th Quarterly Report (ES)
2024 Spring Assembly Delegate Report (EN)
2024 Spring Assembly Delegate Report (ES)
2024 Spring Assembly Alt. Delegate Report
NIA Assembly Actions 1972 to Winter 2022

2024 Winter Committee

2024 Winter Committee Final Agenda (English)
2024 Winter Committee Final Agenda (Spanish)
2024 Winter Committee Chair Report (English)
2024 Winter Committee Chair Report (Spanish)
2024 Winter Committee Alt Chair Report (English)
2024 Winter Committee Alt Chair Report (Spanish)
2024 Winter Secretary’s Report (EN and ES)
2023 Fall Committee Minutes
2024 Winter Treasurer’s Report (English)
2024 Winter Treasurer’s Report (Spanish)
2024 Winter Alt Treasurer’s Report (EN)
2024 Winter Committee PPR (EN)
2024 Winter Committee PPR (ES)
2024 Winter Committee Alt Registrar Report (EN)
2024 Winter Alt Delegate’s Report (EN and ES)
2024 Winter Committee Alt Registrar’s Report (ES)
Motion for Linguistic Translation Coordinators (English)
Motion for Linguistic Translation Coordinators (Spanish)
Motion to amend the list of the Area Assembly and Area Committee
Motion to amend the Voting Procedures for Area Elections (English)
Motion to Amend the Voting Procedures in the NIA Service Manual Motion 3 (English)
Motion to Amend the Voting Procedures in the NIA Service Manual Motion 3 (Spanish)

2023 Winter Assembly on December 9, 2023

Alternate Chair Report (English)
Alternate Chair Report (Spanish)
Fall Assembly Minutes for approval
Winter 2023 Treasurer’s Report (English)
Winter 2023 Treasurer’s Report (Spanish)
Winter 2023 Contributions (English)
Winter 2023 PPR (English)
Winter 2023 PPR (Spanish)
Winter 2023 Delegate Report (English)
Winter 2023 Delegate Report (Spanish)
Winter 2023 Alt. Delegate Report (English)
Winter 2023 Alt. Delegate Report (Spanish)
Winter 2023 Registrar’s Report (English)
Winter 2023 Registrar’s Report (Spanish)
2024 Proposed PPR (English)
2024 Proposed PPR (Spanish)

2023 Fall Committee on October 7, 2023

Fall Committee Meeting Agenda
Agenda de la reunión del Comité de Otoño 2023
2023 Fall Committee Alternate Chair’s Report (English)
2023 Fall Secretary’s Report-Informe de la Secretaria
Past Minutes for Approval:
2023 Summer Committee Meeting Minutes
2023 Spring Committee Meeting Minutes
2023 Winter Committee Meeting Minutes
2023 Fall Committee Alternate Chair’s Report (Spanish)
2023 Fall Treasurer’s Report (English)
2023 FallFall Comm Mtg Treasures Reports-SP
2023 PPR (English)
2023 PPR (Spanish)
2024 Proposed PPR (English)
2024 Proposed PPR (Spanish)
Registrar’s Report (English and Spanish)
Fall October Assembly 2023 Report from NIA Alternate Registrar Fall Assembly
Informe de la Asamblea de Otoño del Registrador Alternativo del Área 20
Delegate’s Report (English)
Delegate’s Report (Spanish)
Alternate Delegate’s Report (English)
Alternate Delegate’s Report (Spanish)
NIA Assembly Actions 1972 to fall 2023
Motion to Amend the Voting Procedures in the NIA Service Manual
Moción para modificar los procedimientos de votación en el Manual de servicio de la NIA
Motion to provide for Language Translation
Moción para disponer la traducción de idiomas
Motion Amend NIA Spring Assembly Conf
Moción de enmienda NIA Spring Assem Conf
Motion Amend Responsibilities for Spanish translation
Motion to Amend NIA Service Guidelines for Spanish Translation

2023 Fall Assembly on September 16, 2023

2023 Fall Elections Assembly Agenda (English)
2023 Fall Elections Assembly Agenda (Spanish)
2023 Fall Assembly Chair’s Report (English)
2023 Fall Assembly Chair’s Report (Spanish)
2023 Fall Assembly Alternate Chair’s Report (English)
2023 Fall Assembly Alternate Chair’s Report (Spanish)
2023 Fall Secretary’s Report (English and Spanish)
2023 Fall Assembly Delegates Report
2023 Alt Delegate’s Report (English)
2023 Alt Delegate’s Report (Spanish)
2023 Fall Assembly Registrar’s Report
2023 Fall Assembly Treasurer’s Report, Bal Sheet, P & L (English)
2023 Fall Assembly Treasurer’s Report, Bal Sheet, P & L (Spanish)
2023 Fall Assembly Contribution Report (English)
2023 Fall Assembly PPR (English)
2023 Fall Assembly PPR (Spanish)
Motion to add Treatment Chair for the collection of green can contributions (English)
Motion to add Treatment Chair for the collection of green can contributions (Spanish)
Motion to amend the NIA Ltd Bylaws (w Bylaws – English)
Motion to amend the NIA Ltd Bylaws (w Bylaws – Spanish)
Motion to provide for Language Translation (English)
Motion to provide for Language Translation (Spanish)
Summer Assembly Minutes CORRECTED
Summer Committee Minutes and Motions
East Central Regional Forum update

2023 Summer Committee on August 5, 2023

Agenda (Spanish)
Chair Report
Alternate Chair Report
Alternate Chair Report (Spanish)
Delegate’s Report
Delegate’s Report (Spanish)
Alternate Delegate’s Report
Spring Committee Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
Motion to Add Treatment Chair…
Motion to Add Treatment Chair…(Spanish)
Motion to Provide Spanish Translation
Motion to Provide Spanish Translation (Spanish)
Motion to Amend the Bylaws
Motion to Amend the Bylaws (Spanish)

2023 Summer Assembly on June 17, 2023

Treasurer’s Report, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet
June PPR

2023 Spring Committee on May 5, 2023

2023 Winter Committee Minutes

2023 Spring Assembly on March 11, 2023

Agenda (Spanish)
Alternate Chair Report
Delegate’s Report
Alternate Delegate Report
2022 Winter Assembly Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Profit and Loss
Balance Sheet
2023 PPR

2023 Winter Committee on January 21, 2023

Delegate’s Report
Jan. Treasurers Report
Jan. Balance Sheet
Jan. Profit and Loss
Jan. Contributions
Jan. PPR
2022 End of Year Balance Sheet
2022 End of Year Profit and Loss
2022 End of Year ContrIbutions

2022 Winter Assembly on December 10, 2022 (at Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry and via Zoom)

Agenda final (REVISED 12-08)
Chair’s Report
Alternate Chair’s Report
Fall Assembly Minutes
Delegate’s Report
Alt. Delegate’s Report
Summer Assembly Minutes (revised)
ISC Loss Proposal
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
2022 PPR
2023 Proposed PPR

2022 Fall Committee on October 8, 2022 (at Lord of Life and via Zoom)

Agenda (final)
Chair’s Report
Alternate Chair’s Report
Summer Committee Draft Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
2022 PPR
2023 Proposed PPR
Delegate’s Report
Registrar’s Report

2022 Fall Assembly on September 10, 2022 (at Lord of Life and via Zoom)

Agenda (as of 09-02-22)
Final Motion to Fully Fund Delegate to GSC
Motion to make Alternate Registrar a Voting Member
Motion to Update Registrar and Alternate Registrar Duties
Alternate Chair’s Report
Revised Summer Assembly Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
Contributions report
Primary Purpose Basic report
Registrar’s Report
Alternate Delegate’s Report
Big Book Conference Committee Report

2022 – 72nd General Service Conference Final Documents

2022 Summer Committee on August 6, 2022 (at Lord of Life and via Zoom)

Agenda (Final)
Chair’s Report
Alternate Chair’s Report
Final Motion to Fully Fund NIA 20 Delegate for GSC
Motion to Fully Fund Delegate Expenses for the GSC
Motion to make the Alternate Registrar a voting member of the Area Assembly
Motion to update the Registrar and Alternate Registrar Duties
Delegate’s Report
Alternate Delegate’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
Primary Purpose Register
Contributions Report
Registrar’s Report
Alternate Registrar’s Report

2022 Summer Assembly on June 11, 2022 (at Kankakee Life Compass Church and Virtual)

Alternate Chair Report
Delegate’s Complete Report (final)
Treasurer’s Report and Finance Committee Minutes
Profit and Loss
Balance Sheet
Contributions Report
2022 PPR

2022 Spring Committee on April 14, 2022 (at Lord of Life and Virtual)

Chair Cover Letter
Chairman’s Report
Alternate Chair Report
2022 Winter Committee Minutes
2022-2023 SCM Delegate’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit & Loss
Contributions Report
Literature Report
Registrar’s Report
Revised DCM/Alt DCM Change Form
Revised Group Information Change Form
Revised New Group Registration Form

2022 Pre-General Services Conference Workshop on April 9

Hybrid Agenda
Zoom Breakout Links

2022 Spring Assembly on March 12, 2022

Use this link to register for the meeting.
Agenda (03-06-2022)
Chair Report
Alternate Chair Report
2021 Winter Assembly Draft Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Finance Committee Report
Conference Advisory Committee Report
Public Information Report
Alternate Corrections Report
Delegate’s Report
Delegate’s Powerpoint
Alternate Delegate’s Report

2022 Winter Committee on January 8, 2022

Meeting Agenda – r.01-03
Alternate Chair Report
Fall Draft Committee Minutes
Delegate’s Report
Registrar’s Report
72nd General Service Committee Preliminary Agenda

2021 Winter Assembly on December 11, 2021

Chair Cover Letter
Chair Report
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
Contribution Report
2020 Contribution Form
Area Officers Motion
2022 Proposed PPR
2022 Proposed NIA Calendar
Archives Report
Delegate’s Report
Alternate Delegate Report
Letter: NEW GSO Contribution Address (English) (en español)

2021 Fall Assembly: October 16th, 2021

2021 Summer Assembly Draft Minutes

2021 Fall Committee: October 16th, 2021

Cover Letter, Final Agenda, Chair Report, Motions
2021 Summer Committee Minutes
Delegate Report-typo corrected
Alternate Delegate Report
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
Draft 2022 PPR

2021 Summer Assembly on September 18, 2021

Fall Assembly Cover Letter
Fall Elections Assembly 2021_Agenda (final)
NIA Fall Elections 2021 Procedures
Fall Assembly Chair Report 2021
Fall Elections Assembly 2021_Agenda (prelim)
Draft minutes for the 2021 Summer Assembly held on June 26, 2021
Treasurer’s Narrative Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
2021 NIA20 Calendar (r. 10-07-2021)

2021 Summer Committee Meeting Saturday, August 14th, 2021
Summer Committee Meeting Cover Letter
Summer Committee Meeting Agenda (preliminary)
Summer Committee Meeting Chair Report 2021
Delegate’s Report
Alternate Delegate’s Report
Corrections Report
Registrar’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
Alternate Treasurer’s Report

2021 Summer Assembly on June 26, 2021 virtual via Zoom
2021 Spring Committee Draft Minutes from May 1, 2021
2021 Spring Assembly Draft Minutes from March 13, 2021
Summer Assembly Cover Letter
Summer Assembly Agenda 2021_Prelim + Motions
Summer Assembly Agenda 2021_Final + Motions
Summer Assembly Chair Report 2021
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
Alternate Treasurer’s Report
Corrections Report
Treatment Report
Archives Report
Delegate’s Report
Alternate Delegate Report
2022 State Conference Proposal

2021 Spring Committee – May 1, 2021 Virtual Via Zoom
2021 Winter Committee Draft minutes from January 9, 2021
Chair Cover Letter 
Chair Report
Meeting Agenda + Motions
Delegate Report
Alternate Delegate Report
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit & Loss
Contributions Report

2021 Pre-GSC Workshop – March 27, 2021 Virtual Via Zoom
Fellowship begins at 8 am,  Workshop begins at 9 am.
Final Workshop Agenda here
List of Agenda Items and links here
Scribe Template for Agenda Items

2021 Spring Assembly on March 13, 2021 virtual via Zoom
Chair’s Cover Letter
Chair’s Report
Alternate Chair Report
Final Agenda (03-06-2021)
2020 Winter Assembly Minutes (draft)
Treasurer’s Report
 Profit and Loss
 Balance Sheet
Alt. Treasurer’s Report (contributions)
Delegate’s Report
Alternate Delegate’s Report
Registrar’s Report
2021 NIA Revised Calendar (02-01-2021)
Treatment Chair Report
Archives Report March 2021
Archives Report Dec 2020
Archives Report Sept 2020
2021 Big Book Conference Planning Report

2021 Winter Committee – January 9, 2020 Virtual Via Zoom
Chair’s Cover Letter (01-07-2021)
Final Committee Agenda (01-07-2021)
2021 NIA Calendar (approved 12-12-2020)
October 17 Committee Minutes for approval
Treasurer’s Report
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss
2020 12-month Balance Sheet
2020 12-month Profit and Loss
Alternate Treasurer’s Report
Registrar’s Report
2020 Winter Assembly Revised Treasurer’s Report
Delegate’s Report
Alternate Delegate’s Report

2020 Winter Assembly – December 12, 2020 via Zoom
Cover Letter
Agenda (final, 12-09-2020)
Motion to amend D and R
Register Virtual Meetings Motion
Proposed 2021 Calendar (12-03-2020)

2020 Fall Committee – October 17, 2020 Virtual Via Zoom
Final Agenda, Cover Letter, Motions, Preliminary Primary Purpose Register

2020 Fall Assembly – September 19, 2020 Virtual via Zoom
Final Agenda, Cover Letter, Motions, Background
Motions and Background (prelim 09-06-2020)

2020 Summer Committee – August 8, 2020 Virtual via Zoom
Final Agenda (r. 08-07-2020)
Motion from Finance Committee to send $2,000 to GSO

2020 Summer Assembly – June 13, 2020 Virtual via Zoom
Chair’s Cover Letter
Chair’s Report
Revised Area Calendar (rev. 06-10-2020)

2020 Summer Committee – May 16, 2020 Virtual via Zoom
Chair’s Cover Letter (05-15-2020)
Agenda (05-15-2020)
Revised 2020 Calendar (05-14-2020)

2020 Spring Assembly – March 20, 2020 at Marriott Schaumburg
Preliminary Agenda (02-27-2020)
Finance Committee Motion
Area Events Calendar (r. 02-20-20)

2020 Winter Committee – January 11, 2020 at Lord of Life
Cover Letter, Agenda, Motions, Chair Report (one document – 01-10-2020)
Preliminary Agenda (01-03-2020)
Finance Committee Motion

2019 Fall Committee – October 12, 2019 at Lord of Life
Proposed 2020 PPR

2019 Summer Assembly – June 22, 2019 at Lord of Life
Area Calendar (revised 06-17-2019)

Panel 66 General Service Conference Agenda (English)
Panel 66 General Service Conference Agenda (Español)

2012 General Service Conference Agenda (EN)

2012 General Service Conference Agenda (ES)

2009 General Service Conference Agenda (EN)
2009 General Service Conference Agenda (ES)

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